An Interview with the Heart Child


We all know what I think about about the heart child and his miraculous journey. But what does HE think? I got the idea from wordpress, ( and I interviewed Corey to find out. I did this while he was trapped in the bath tub with his brother. He couldn’t just run away from me with bubbles plastered over every inch of his body. Here is what the 8-year-old with tricuspid atresia had to say:

Q – Corey can I interview you?

A – Yes.


Q – What’s it like to be a heart child?

A – Fun ’cause you get all the attention.


Q – What’s the best thing about being a heart child?

A – You get to have a cool big scar.


Q – What’s the worst thing about being a heart child?

A – You can’t go on roller coasters or anything with G forces.


Q – Does anybody think you’re weird because you’re a heart child?

A – No.


Q – Was having your big surgery scary?

A – No it wasn’t, because I got all the pizza I wanted any time I wanted it.


Q – Is there anything else you want to say about being a heart child?

A – Uh, no.


Q – Do you win all the “biggest scar” contests?

A – Yeah. That’s the best.


Q- What’s it like to have a brother with a regular heart?

A – Cool because he doesn’t get as much attention.


Q – Did you like being a Make-A-Wish child?

A – Yeah, because I got to fly over volcanoes in a helicopter. And I went with honeymooners. Also there were a lot of watersides.


Q – How do you like school?

A – It’s good. I get all As and all CDs and one B. And I play a musical instrument.  I play strings and I have a winter concert on December 10th if you want to come.


Q – Is there anything else you want to say?

A – Uh, I want Mr. Gold from Lego Figures!

3 thoughts on “An Interview with the Heart Child

  1. I love this! Of course Mr. Gold! The mysterious, most coveted Lego man of all! I hope he lives up to all the expectations. You remember what happen to the knight in shining armor :);)

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